I am so excited to tell you about a very special way you can help orphans this Christmas. I am part of an orphan ministry at our church and we have been given the opportunity to give hope to some orphans this year. The actual tree is up at our church but thanks to the wonderful world of the internet you can take part too. Below is a list of different projects in all different price ranges that you can do to bring hope to a child. For as little as $15 you can bring a big smile to a child that has no place to call home. I will put a code with each project and please use this code when either paying online or mailing in a check.
$35 for Clothing in India (code 107 ID2)
Nearly 26 million children in India are orphans or street children, and they are among the poorest and most vulnerable souls in a country that is overwhelmed with poverty. Your $35 will provide good, durable clothing and a pair of shoes to a needy child in India.
$50 for School Supplies in Columbia (code 107 CO1)
The cost of an education in Columbia is beyond reach for too many families: only 6 of every 10 children in primary school will finish 8th grade, and thousands more never attend school at all. A gift of $50 will support 3 months of school, including fees, books, uniforms, and supplies. You can give a child the tools to build a successful future.
$50 to give Counseling for AIDS Orphans (code 107 CH5)
Over 100,000 orphans in China have lost their parents to AIDS over the past decade. After growing up with a family, they are reaching their teenage years in institutions. Many struggle with depression and others have committed suicide. A $50 gift will support 3 months of counseling to help one of these children begin to heal.
$20 for Nutritious Meals in Vietnam (code 107 VT)
Vietnam government-run orphanages receive only half the money needed each month to feed every child in their care. This means your donation will insure that a child's nutritional needs are met. Your $20 gift will provide and orphaned child in Vietnam with one additional nutritious meal for an entire month.
$50 for Aid to Ethiopia (code 107 ET6)
Ethiopia is home to 4 million orphans and is one of the world's 5 poorest countries, many young lives begin and end with suffering and deprivation. The need is overwhelming, but you can make a difference. Your $50 gift to this fund will support projects that provide food, shelter, medical care, and other critical resources to Ethiopia orphaned and at-risk children.
$15 for Christmas Gifts (code 107 ALL6)
There is no limit to the joy a simple gift can bring to an orphaned child. Your donation of $15 will purchase a gift such as a storybook, stuffed animal, or art supplies to be presented to an orphan at Christmastime.
$150 for Medical Clinic in India (code 107 ID3)
In the rural villages of India, unsafe drinking water, inadequate nutrition, and poor sanitation sicken and kill children every day. Intestinal infections - which are simple and inexpensive to treat - are the second leading cause of death for these children. With your gift of $150, our staff can conduct a one-day medical clinic in a rural village and treat 100 in desperate need of medical care.
$75 for Warm Clothes in Russia (code 107 RU2)
In the cold winter months, many Russian orphans go to sleep shivering because of inadequate heat and clothing, or warm bedding at the orphanage. Help keep a child warm this winter: your gift of $75 will provide a winter coat , hat, socks, shoes and a cozy blanket for an orphan.
$50 for Medical Care in Kazakhstan (Code 107 KZ3)
Multiple cold-war chemical and nuclear test sites are scattered throughout Kazakhstan. Generations of children have suffered a wide range of devastating illnesses and disabilities. Your gift of $50 will support medical care and therapies that can give Kazakhstan's orphans the chance for a better, healthier future.
$40 for Beijing Post Surgical Care Home (code 107 CH4)
The Children's Hope Foster Home in Beijing gives orphans a comfortable, safe, family style home in which to recover from surgery. Your donation of $40 will go to the operation of this wonderful rehabilitation home equipped with trained staff to provide post-operative care.
$5,000 To Save the Life of a Child with Heat Surgery (code 107 CH6)
More than half of the children living in China's institutions have special medical needs. Without support they must wait to receive critical medical care. Right now , hundreds are waiting for surgery to repair life-threatening heart-defects. Through this fund, you can help one more child get the care he or she needs to survive.
You can make your donations online at
http://www.helpanorphan.org/ or mail a check to: Children's Hope International, 11780 Borman Dr., St, Louis, MO 63146. You can also call them at 1-888-899-2349. Don't forget to put the code either on your check or the comment section with online payment.
Thank you so much for be willing to bring some hope to those so dear to God's heart this Christmas!