Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Fun

Oh, I have to say fall is my favorite time of the year. It has been a little while since I have shared some pictures so here you go.

Chris and I made a tradition the first year we got married that we would plant a tree every year. We have had so much fun the past 10 years watching these little trees we plant grow. Now the kids get to enjoy helping plant the trees, watching them grow and taking care of them. We just planted our tree for this year yesterday and as you can see the kids loved it. We let Amaya pick where she wanted the tree to be planted. Thank goodness God blessed us with enough land that we have plenty of space to plant trees for the next 50-60 years.

Chris got the leaf blower out yesterday and made leaf piles for the kids and they had sooooo much fun. They have been waiting and waiting for there to be enough leaves to make piles.
This is Jaxson happy as can be picking out his very own, first pumpkin. He was so excited when he saw all the pumpkins and even more excited when he found out he was getting one.

Paige decided she could carry her own pumkin without any help and she did a good job.

We having a praying manits living in our front bushes and Amaya has had so much fun watching it. Amaya wanted to make sure I got a picture of her watching her praying mantis. Amaya is bug crazy. Amaya even takes bugs on walks with us whenever she can find a cool bug.

1 comment:

Tony and Rett said...

FUN! Fall is FUN!

Glad you get to share it with your newest family member!