Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm So Excited

I am very, very excited because my wonderful husband came to me yesterday morning and told me we were going out to buy a mattress. I couldn't believe he said we were going to go buy one but we are both tired of waking up feeling like we are a lot older than we are.

We went to the store and I'm sure we were the salesman's easiest sale ever. We told him what we were looking for and he gave us a couple of choices. We laid on the first bed and wondered why in the world have we waited so long to go do this. I couldn't believe how comfortable a mattress could be and not even a real expensive one. It took us like a whole 5 minutes to make our decision and in 9 days we should be sleeping in comfort.

We are also upgrading to a queen mattress! We have slept on a full size the whole 10 1/2 years we have been married. We had to special order because we had to get split box spring to get up our stairs but it won't be long now.


jeanette said...

yay!!! that IS exciting news. and you'll feel so much better in the mornings.

you've been on a full?! :)

we had trouble sleeping on a queen so upgraded to a king for our first anniversary! :)

I can't believe you've been on a full!

Tony and Rett said...

YAY!!!!!!!!! A full night's sleep on a comfortable mattress just doesn't compare!!!!!

Glad you took the leap!

Adeye said...

You've been on a full? Goodness, how in the world! I would kick my hubby right out of the bed :)

So happy for you.