Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hong Kong

Reeces Rainbow has a child waiting from Hong Kong again. They have not had any children from Hong Kong in awhile but they just got information on a little boy from there.

If you are thinking about adopting this would be a wonderful place to adopt from. I believe they only do special needs adoptions but everyone I have talked to that has adopted from Hong Kong has been very happy with their experience. Also you only have to stay a few days so if you have kids that makes it much easier.

When we went to Ch*na to bring Jaxson home we flew in and out through Hong Kong. The country is BEAUTIFUL and the people are soooooo friendly and they speak English. The hotels were incredible and like nothing we have ever seen here. Chris and I hate to fly but we both have said we want to go back to Hong Kong someday when we can stay and really see what's there.

Actually we said on our way home from Ch*na just joking around that our next adoption would be from Hong Kong so that we could go back.

If you want to see the information on it you can check it out here http://www.reecesrainbow.com/galleryhk.htm.


Adeye said...

Wow, friend, that is SUCH an affordable adoption! I bet he is as cute as a button.

Rhonda said...

Our biggest blessing came from Hong Kong! The orphanage is great there and we met wonderful children there! We went found our blessing through Reece's Rainbow! What a great ministry that is! If you want any info. on adopting from HK, let me know!!!