Monday, December 28, 2009

WOW, What A Week

Wow, this has been one crazy week full of fun.

A week ago we took Paige to her very first movie. Paige loved it and was quiet the whole time. A word of warning to parents though. The movie that you see in the picture behind her has a lot of evil in it that I would not have let her watch if I would have known about before going. Next time this momma will be a lot more cautious even when it seems like a movie for children.
Chris celebrated his 33rd birthday on Christmas Eve. Daddy always gets a special cake decorated by his precious kiddos. I found these really cool markers for decorating cake and it was perfect for the kids. Did you see what Amaya wrote on the cake? She didn't even ask how to write it (OK, I know we need a little practice on the S's.)

Isn't he just the cutest? God truly blessed me with an incredible husband!!!

We have a tradition in our house that after Chris' birthday party is over the kids get a special Christmas Eve gift of new PJ's. They are showing off their new PJ's here.

So after cleaning the house, decorating cake, having party, getting PJ's and putting them on it is finally time to make cookies for Santa. Yes, I was one worn out momma by the end of the day.

We had a wonderful Christmas! Now I have sick kiddos and a messy house but oh well. I hope all you had a wonderful Christmas too.


Christina Johnson said... did have a full day! You are such a good wife to truly celebrate Chris' birthday instead of "combining" the day with your Christmas celebrations! Another reason why I think you are amazing!
Sorry about the movie experience...we have been there, too. We did find a website that gives incredibly conservative reviews - every little incident is detailed. You can find it at: Sorry about your kiddos not feeling well. Praying they feel better soon!

Holly said...

I've missed you these last few days!!

jeanette said...

what a full week!

my mom took my 2 nieces to the same movie and said the exact same thing as you...she would have NEVER taken them had she known about the evil. so sad that it's billed differently.

Tony and Rett said...

Way impressed with Amaya! She is learning so much!!

Glad you had fun week!!

P.S. Didn't I warn you about that movie? Creepy city!