Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday and Prayer Request

This Thankful Thursday and am so very thankful for my health and my families health. I think this is something we take for granted and it's something we should be very thankful for. I have 2 friends right now my age that are dealing with the possibility of cancer and they both have 3 young boys.

My prayer request is that you would pray for my friends and their families as they deal with this.

Kari - Kari has been dealing with nothing but questions since last summer. Kari has a condition that is so very rare they have no idea what to really look for, what she may be dealing with (cancer) or what to do for her. I can't imagine having to deal with something like that having a young family and not able to get any answers.

Wendy - Wendy just had a test come back that said she could have cancer. Wendy is very, very scared right now and is waiting for some more tests and then of course the horrible wait of the test results.

Can you take a couple of minutes to pray for my friends today?


Tony and Rett said...

I will SO pray for them. I, too, cannot imagine. I pray that God scoops them up and gives them a breath of peace.

Adeye said...

ABSOLUTELY---I will pray!

Such power in prayer, such power in His name---the name above all names!

Mark and Melanie said...

Absolutely praying for them!