Monday, August 23, 2010

The Awe Factor of God

You know, every night when I take the dogs out before bed I look at the stars and am amazed at the greatness of God. Everytime I see mountains or the ocean I think the same thing or even just being in the woods and seeing God's creations, hearing and smelling it. Until I saw the video below I never really thought much about what is beyond the stars. Watch this video and be amazed.


Freedom Hollow Farmgirl said...

Awesome post, absolutely incredible. I recently read Franis Chan's Crazy Love. He's an incredible speaker/author. My son heard Franis speak at a high school camp he went too a few years ago and Francis really made an impression on my son.

I enjoy following your blog. My husband and I are just starting our adoption journey.

Have a great week.

Blessings to you and your family.


Amy Murphy said...

Just saw him in July (at a youth event,) and he did this same thing. I love Francis Chan! He is such an awesome speaker! and really gets the attention of the teens.