Many, many months ago I went to visit a blog that had the most peaceful music I had ever heard on it. I didn't think much about it at the time other than everytime I visited that blog a calmness just came over me.
With life being so crazy and many challenges over the last month I went on the search for who played the music I had heard on that blog. The artists name is David Nevue and he plays amazing, Christian piano that just brings calmness to your soul.
Now when I have times of feeling overwhelmed, of kids screaming, of challenges I turn this music on and suddenly I am relaxed and I remember God say "Be still and know that I am GOD". It reminds me to focus on God and not everything going on around me. In the business of our lives we forget to stop, breathe, and put our focus on God.
I added a playlist to my blog and hopefully when you visit my blog you can feel some of that calmness.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
My Favorite Ones!
OK, I know I am doing this a little backwords but oh well. I will post about the tree hunting later this week.
As we were hanging ornaments on the tree last night I looked at how many useless ornaments we have. You know birdhouses, snowmen, ones I have no idea where they came from but then we have some VERY, VERY special ones. What a joy it was to get to talk to the kids as we hung these special ones about the meaning behind them.
The first one is precious little Duncan that I was his Christmas Warrior for last year through Reece's Rainbow. Duncan is now home with his forever family.
This next one is the little one that has totally stolen the hearts of all 5 of us. This is the little one we sponsored this year from the Angel Tree at Reece's Rainbow. Praying that next year this little bundle of cuteness will have his forever family. You only have until December 15th to get your ornament by sponsoring a child.
This beautiful star ornament was made by a girl that was working very hard to bring her sister home. That little one came home to her forever family the same year Jaxson did.
Maybe someday we will have a tree full of ornaments that show faces of children that now have forever families. Maybe God will bless us with more little feet, fingerprints all over everything, more dirty clothes, more giggles, more "I love you's". I may have my hands full, my plate may be overflowing but CHILDREN OUR A BLESSING FROM GOD!
As we were hanging ornaments on the tree last night I looked at how many useless ornaments we have. You know birdhouses, snowmen, ones I have no idea where they came from but then we have some VERY, VERY special ones. What a joy it was to get to talk to the kids as we hung these special ones about the meaning behind them.
The first one is precious little Duncan that I was his Christmas Warrior for last year through Reece's Rainbow. Duncan is now home with his forever family.

OK, so this is changing the subject a little bit but I wanted to share this video with you. It is almost 12 minutes long so you may choose to watch it on youtube where you can see it better but I wanted to share it with you. We have a very powerful Sunday School class and yesterday our leader shared this video. I honestly about lost it right there but I held back most of the tears. This video was not intended for the purpose that God laid on my heart watching this but to me it represented the passion of my heart.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Do You Have An Aaron?
I really don't want to write this post, I have tried to get out of writing this post but God won't let me. God told me about 3 weeks ago I needed to write this and I have been fighting it like crazy. I even asked a friend to pray with me about this post.
You know sometimes it is hard to be real on here because I have family reading this. It is much easier to be real when it is complete strangers but I have many people close to me that read this blog. I did not start this blog though to let people in on our daily lives, I started it as a ministry to share my passion, my journey and to share things about our family. I love being able to blog because it makes it much easier for a shy person like me to be a voice for God.
OK, here is goes. About 3-4 weeks ago I had many, many good things happening. In a 2 week time I had 3 fundraisers, Amaya's project and I was in charge of the shoeboxes at church. Well, the evil one does not like it when you are doing things for the orphan. Spiritual warfare is real! Every single time I do a fundraiser I can about bet it is going to be a battle that day. A couple of weeks ago though I had way much more than just a fundraiser going on.
Satan started attacking from every angle possible. I'm not going to share those things because it doesn't matter and everything is pretty much good now. I cried, cried and cried for days but only a few people knew this because I did my best to hide it. I am not one to cry much at all but I was being beat up.
One day I went to take Chris lunch and I honestly could hardly stand up. Chris asked me what was wrong and I told him that I was in a battle against Satan and I was being beat up. I physically felt BEAT UP. This is so hard to explain but I know there have to be other people going through the same thing and that's why I believe God wants me to share this. I have an amazing husband and right then he took me, held me and prayed over me.
Chris did not want me to go home because he was worried about me but I told him I needed to be home. I had emailed a friend earlier in the day asking her for prayer because I somehow knew it was going to take prayer big time to fight this battle.
My friend wrote me back and said something like this: "Sarah, I would love to be your Aaron." My friend explained that when Moses couldn't hold the staff up any longer that God used Aaron to hold it up for him. My friend was telling me that even though I was beaten up to the point of not even being able to open my eyes, even though she didn't live close to me, she was willing to be my Aaron and hold me up in prayer and help me fight this battle.
I also had a few other prayer warriors holding me up. Do you know that within a very short time I could actually physically feel something holding me up so that I could continue to fight for the orphan, continue to let Amaya do her project and continue to let God use me for Operation Christmas Child.
Spiritual warfare is REAL!
Those couple weeks were very, very hard but through that God did some amazing things not only in the projects that were going on but in many other ways.
I am so thankful I had friends to carry me through in prayer during those couple of weeks.
Do you have an Aaron? Are you willing to be someones Aaron? If you feel beaten, PLEASE ask some prayer warriors to be your Aaron. If you know someone being beaten up spiritually, PLEASE be their Aaron.
Exodus 17:12
12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.
You know sometimes it is hard to be real on here because I have family reading this. It is much easier to be real when it is complete strangers but I have many people close to me that read this blog. I did not start this blog though to let people in on our daily lives, I started it as a ministry to share my passion, my journey and to share things about our family. I love being able to blog because it makes it much easier for a shy person like me to be a voice for God.
OK, here is goes. About 3-4 weeks ago I had many, many good things happening. In a 2 week time I had 3 fundraisers, Amaya's project and I was in charge of the shoeboxes at church. Well, the evil one does not like it when you are doing things for the orphan. Spiritual warfare is real! Every single time I do a fundraiser I can about bet it is going to be a battle that day. A couple of weeks ago though I had way much more than just a fundraiser going on.
Satan started attacking from every angle possible. I'm not going to share those things because it doesn't matter and everything is pretty much good now. I cried, cried and cried for days but only a few people knew this because I did my best to hide it. I am not one to cry much at all but I was being beat up.
One day I went to take Chris lunch and I honestly could hardly stand up. Chris asked me what was wrong and I told him that I was in a battle against Satan and I was being beat up. I physically felt BEAT UP. This is so hard to explain but I know there have to be other people going through the same thing and that's why I believe God wants me to share this. I have an amazing husband and right then he took me, held me and prayed over me.
Chris did not want me to go home because he was worried about me but I told him I needed to be home. I had emailed a friend earlier in the day asking her for prayer because I somehow knew it was going to take prayer big time to fight this battle.
My friend wrote me back and said something like this: "Sarah, I would love to be your Aaron." My friend explained that when Moses couldn't hold the staff up any longer that God used Aaron to hold it up for him. My friend was telling me that even though I was beaten up to the point of not even being able to open my eyes, even though she didn't live close to me, she was willing to be my Aaron and hold me up in prayer and help me fight this battle.

Spiritual warfare is REAL!
Those couple weeks were very, very hard but through that God did some amazing things not only in the projects that were going on but in many other ways.
I am so thankful I had friends to carry me through in prayer during those couple of weeks.
Do you have an Aaron? Are you willing to be someones Aaron? If you feel beaten, PLEASE ask some prayer warriors to be your Aaron. If you know someone being beaten up spiritually, PLEASE be their Aaron.
Exodus 17:12
12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Memorial Box Monday (on Tuesday) - Praying Out Of The Box

I have been praying and praying about how to write this post and Linny (click on the button above) asked for people to do Memorial Box Monday post today and so I thought this would be the perfect time to do this post.
One reason I have been praying and praying over this post is because I really felt God asking me to write this but at the same time I felt a little weird about doing it. You see Chris and I have a passion of giving. We don't usually let people in on what we give but this time I think God really wants me to share the way he has blessed us by giving us the chance to give.
A couple of years ago Chris and I asked God for something very specific and he answered. We were very tight on money at the time but with our tax check that year we took $500 out and put it in a checking account that we called "God's money" because we specifically set this amount of money aside asking God to multiply it. We also agreed that a portion of the money made from this amount of money would go to care for orphans or support adopting families. Little did we know how much God would multiply that money.
Do we now have thousands in a bank account? NO! Better yet is that God took our prayer, gave us ideas to be creative, and now that $500 has been invested in many things that keep making money and keep helping families bring kids home or to care for orphans.
This is what happened:
We started going to storage unit auctions and buying units full of trash that people had not paid their rent on but many, many times we found hidden treasures inside that we were able to sell at yard sales or Craig*list. It's a very dirty job and a lot of work but it's a great way to make some extra money.

It is also because of that "God money" that Chris was able to start his own business.
Do you remember the dog story? I knew from the time we brought Kai Kai home that the first puppy of every litter sold was God's and not ours. It didn't matter if she had 1 puppy or 7 or how much the first puppy sold for. After we bred Kai Kai there were 2 times that I was sure she had lost her puppies. I cried out to God not because we were going to lose the money from the puppies but mostly because I knew there was a family that needed this puppy to help bring their child home. We honestly didn't even know until 3 weeks before she had them that she was pregnant.
Kai Kai has 3 beautiful, beautiful puppies and oh I will have a hard time letting them go to their new homes.

I prayed and prayed over which family would receive the money from this first puppy. I was kind of pushing a friend to start an adoption and get them to take it but I knew that wasn't right. I then prayed and prayed about giving it to some good friend of ours that are adopting but every time I tried to make plans for this puppy God kept putting another family on my mind. I can't even begin to tell you how many times God put this family in my head letting me know the puppy was to help bring their son home.
I wrote the mom one day and I told her that I couldn't believe I was telling her this because I wasn't going to say anything until we had the money to give them but I felt God wanted me to tell her. The mom wrote me back an amazing letter that clearly showed why I was to tell her and that we had the right family.
I wasn't going to share the family on here but I want to because I would love for you to read their amazing story on their blog. This is a family that stepped out in COMPLETE faith, and God is moving mountain after mountain for them to get this beautiful little boy home who just happens to have a limb difference like Jaxson. Click here to read there story.

Little did we know when we prayed over that $500 what God had planned for us. We really didn't know how many gifts God would give us out of that $500.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Found Any Hidden Treasures Lately?
So have you found any treasure lately shopping for Christmas, digging in your back yard? Are you looking for treasures in the furniture store, the mall, or maybe the stock market? If those are places you are looking for treasure I want to just let you know that your map is wrong because oh have I found some treasure.
If you go to you will find God's precious treasures just waiting for someone to find them.

Treasures are usually something that is rare right?
If you go to you will find God's precious treasures just waiting for someone to find them.

Treasures are usually something that is rare right?
Since 90% of babies with down syndrome are aborted I would call these precious angels rare.
Treasures are things that only few find and are blessed with or they wouldn't be called treasures.
What if you had the map to show you exactly where these treasures are?
What if treasure is not really found in a fancy house, nice furniture, a car, the stock market?
What if true treasure is found in a child that has not been cursed with a special need but blessed with a special need.
Want to go find some hidden treasure at the risk of having your socks blessed off. Maybe the risk of zillions of kisses and hugs a day, hearing "I love you momma", fingerprints all over everything, getting to tuck a precious little one into bed at night.
Want the chance to say "yes God, I'm listening and I am ready to answer your call"?
Trust me not only do I advocate for these little ones but we pray that someday (hopefully soon)God sets everything into place that we can bring one of these treasure homes.
What are you waiting for, go look, pray and you might just get your socks blessed off.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Puppies Have Their Own Blog
The puppies have their own blog now :)
If you or someone you know is interested in one of them, or you just want to watch them get cuter and cuter by the day, you can click here to follow their blog.
Caden is a little stinker and won't let me get a good picture of him. He likes to be a little wiggle worm.

Caden is a little stinker and won't let me get a good picture of him. He likes to be a little wiggle worm.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Amaya's 7th Birthday!
Yesterday we celebrated Amaya's 7th Birthday. Amaya's birthday is always a reminder to me of miracles because we never thought we would have a biological child. If you don't know her story Amaya was a miracle after 4 years of infertility, thousands of dollars on fertility treatments, us giving up on the chance of ever having a baby and then through prayer and fasting from my mom (I honestly didn't have the strength anymore) this little miracle came to be.
We celebrated at a restaurant this time because Kai Kai isn't wanting anyone other than us around her precious babies right now.
I found these silly glasses for 10 cents so I got a pair for each of the 8 cousins (2 live too far away to come).
They all have sooooo much fun getting together and playing. How much fun that they each have sooooo many cousins to be their very best friends! Next year hopefully we will have one more to add through adoption ;) and it's not us adopting.

Have I told you lately how much adoption can bless your socks off?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
We Have Some Winners!!!
Thank you soooo much for all the names! This was so much fun and we had a blast as a family voting on names (just so you know Paige thought every name was the best name).
Are you ready to hear the names?
OK, before we get started on names let me tell you that all the puppies will be for sale. I have been asked many times now if they are for sale and they are. Please understand these are pure bred Cavalier's even though we are pricing them at the lower end of the going rate they are still not cheap (I know it stinks). I just wanted to throw that in because I think I have shocked a couple people by what these little babies are worth. If you are interested in one though I would be more than happy to talk to you if you leave me your email.
The cool thing is one of these precious little puppies has a very special purpose. When we first decided to start breeding we knew that the first puppy sold of every litter would have the very special purpose of helping an adopting family bring home their precious son or daughter. Sometime I want to do a post on creative ways to care for orphans. By the way I have prayed and prayed about the family that one of these puppies has that special purpose for and I will be contacting them soon.
OK, now are you ready???
Puppy #1 - Caden (boy) Sorry but Jaxson won this one, it's his best friends name
Puppy #2 - Reece (girl) winner is Rett (Rett please let me know who in your family chose this name)
Are you ready to hear the names?
OK, before we get started on names let me tell you that all the puppies will be for sale. I have been asked many times now if they are for sale and they are. Please understand these are pure bred Cavalier's even though we are pricing them at the lower end of the going rate they are still not cheap (I know it stinks). I just wanted to throw that in because I think I have shocked a couple people by what these little babies are worth. If you are interested in one though I would be more than happy to talk to you if you leave me your email.
The cool thing is one of these precious little puppies has a very special purpose. When we first decided to start breeding we knew that the first puppy sold of every litter would have the very special purpose of helping an adopting family bring home their precious son or daughter. Sometime I want to do a post on creative ways to care for orphans. By the way I have prayed and prayed about the family that one of these puppies has that special purpose for and I will be contacting them soon.
OK, now are you ready???
Puppy #1 - Caden (boy) Sorry but Jaxson won this one, it's his best friends name

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Name Our Puppies Contest - ONLY 24 HOURS!!!
When Kai Kai came home we had soooo much fun having a name contest to name her. The winner was a little boy with the biggest heart ever and I was sooo excited he won and it really wasn't just because he is so stinkin cute.
Anyway here are the rules:
Give us name ideas for our puppies. The more name ideas the more chances you have at winning.
Leave me your email address if I don't have it in case you are the winner.
Tomorrow night around this time we will sit as a family and choose 3 names.
If you are a winner I will send you something special. I don't know what it will be yet because it depends if a kid wins or an adult.
If you need to see the puppies to get a better idea on names then click here.
OK, start commenting with names!!!
Anyway here are the rules:
Give us name ideas for our puppies. The more name ideas the more chances you have at winning.
Leave me your email address if I don't have it in case you are the winner.
Tomorrow night around this time we will sit as a family and choose 3 names.
If you are a winner I will send you something special. I don't know what it will be yet because it depends if a kid wins or an adult.
If you need to see the puppies to get a better idea on names then click here.
OK, start commenting with names!!!
I forgot to tell you what they are (if you don't know what I'm talking about see post below).
pup #1 - boy
pup #2 - girl
pup #3 - girl
pup #1 - boy
pup #2 - girl
pup #3 - girl
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Want To Meet The New Family?
We had a very exciting morning in our home this morning. A day we have been waiting for since the day we brought the new mommy and daddy home.
Below is pictures of our new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Family.
This is a picture of dad watching his babies being born. I was cracking up because he was just sitting watching every move but new better than to move himself or momma Kai Kai wouldn't be happy.
This is pup number 1.
Below is pictures of our new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Family.
This is a picture of dad watching his babies being born. I was cracking up because he was just sitting watching every move but new better than to move himself or momma Kai Kai wouldn't be happy.

Monday, November 8, 2010
Guess How Many Boxes???
37 very excited children
37 chances of children learning about Christ
37 times a child who may have nothing will now have a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap not to mention all the other goodies
ONE 6 year olds (soon to be 7) heart affected for the rest of her life because she had a dream, a goal and many, many people helped her reach her goal.
Not only did she sell enough ornaments to cover the cost of the boxes but enough people donated over the price of the ornament to cover the cost of the $7 donation that needs to go with every box.
If you want to make a box you still have time. Please visit Operation Christmas Child Today by clicking here.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Look What We've Been Doing Today
Thursday, November 4, 2010
To Be Like A Child
Last night after Amaya hit her goal I was talking to my mom and she said how I was such a cool mom to do something like this with Amaya. I told mom that I really didn't want to because it scared me because I have seen that when God uses children it's usually big. My mom said "Isn't that like a child to not think about the stress involved but only the outcome?"
How many times in life as adults would we have thought about the time it would take to make 100 ornaments? The time it would take to make a very special note to go with each order?
What if we could have the eyes of a child and only see the prize at the end and not the pain to get to the prize?
How many blessings do you think we are missing out on because we don't want to mess with the stress, the money, the pain? How many times do we just see the long journey and forget about the prize at the end?
Matthew 18:2-6
2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. 
How many times in life as adults would we have thought about the time it would take to make 100 ornaments? The time it would take to make a very special note to go with each order?
What if we could have the eyes of a child and only see the prize at the end and not the pain to get to the prize?
How many blessings do you think we are missing out on because we don't want to mess with the stress, the money, the pain? How many times do we just see the long journey and forget about the prize at the end?
Matthew 18:2-6
2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

Please Lord...not only do I want you to break my heart for what breaks yours...but please also give me the heart of a child and let me be focused on the prize at the end.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
More later but SHE DID IT!!!
Thanks to all you amazing people out there God was able to use one very precious child to raise $500 to make shoeboxes for children around the world.
Thanks to all you amazing people out there God was able to use one very precious child to raise $500 to make shoeboxes for children around the world.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
WOW! Look What Came In The Mail
Do you remember this post about the lady that made over 12,000 shoeboxes this year and she bought one of Amaya's ornaments?
Well...this amazing lady sent Amaya a package.
This box is FULL of goodies for Amaya to fill boxes with.
Well...this amazing lady sent Amaya a package.

Crazy Week Ahead
So this is what my next week holds:
Amaya selling 3 more ornaments!!! Really 3 is all she needs to hit her goal of 100.
Helping Amaya work on ornaments.
Shopping for many, many shoeboxes. PRAISE GOD!
Dr. appointments
Teacher consultation
Shoebox project ending at church and me checking the boxes. I can't wait to see how many show up.
Two fundraisers for families. Thank you God for giving me a way to help orphans come home!
Puppies, puppies, puppies!!! Another way to help an orphan come home (wish it was us) and waiting to see if a certain friend steps up to let God bless them with this puppy and maybe 1 or 2 little sets of precious feet running around their house.
Bible Study (we have been blessed with the most amazing group).
Meals (I haven't been doing very well at that lately but Taco Bell is liking it)
House cleaning
Did I mention that I'm taking the month of December off??? :)
Today I am dreaming of:
A log cabin with my family of 5 snuggled together (OK really I wish I could add the little brown beauty at the top right hand corner of my blog).
A fireplace
Big Snowflakes coming down
Hot Chocolate or coffee
Big pot of Mexican Chili
No TV, no phone, no computer
and these CD's playing in the background (I am ordering these today)
PS I am soooooo looking forward to puppy time!
Amaya selling 3 more ornaments!!! Really 3 is all she needs to hit her goal of 100.
Helping Amaya work on ornaments.
Shopping for many, many shoeboxes. PRAISE GOD!
Dr. appointments
Teacher consultation
Shoebox project ending at church and me checking the boxes. I can't wait to see how many show up.
Two fundraisers for families. Thank you God for giving me a way to help orphans come home!
Puppies, puppies, puppies!!! Another way to help an orphan come home (wish it was us) and waiting to see if a certain friend steps up to let God bless them with this puppy and maybe 1 or 2 little sets of precious feet running around their house.
Bible Study (we have been blessed with the most amazing group).
Meals (I haven't been doing very well at that lately but Taco Bell is liking it)
House cleaning
Did I mention that I'm taking the month of December off??? :)
Today I am dreaming of:
A log cabin with my family of 5 snuggled together (OK really I wish I could add the little brown beauty at the top right hand corner of my blog).
A fireplace
Big Snowflakes coming down
Hot Chocolate or coffee
Big pot of Mexican Chili
No TV, no phone, no computer
and these CD's playing in the background (I am ordering these today)
PS I am soooooo looking forward to puppy time!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Oh my goodness...I just counted and Amaya only needs to sell 10 more to hit her goal of 100 ornaments sold! Amaya will then have $500 to make shoeboxes with. We have a very big shopping trip to do, PRAISE GOD.
Will you help spread the word?
Click HERE to find out about her project.
Update - 6 more!!!
Will you help spread the word?
Click HERE to find out about her project.
Update - 6 more!!!
It's Here! It's Here! It's Here!
Reece's Rainbow 2010 Christmas Angel Tree!!! Last year (OK, eyes completely teared up right now) a friend emailed to ask how to adopt a child with down syndrome and they found their daughter on the angel tree. Please help spread the word because you never know who may see the information and be ready to give a home to one of these precious angels.
Click HERE to visit the angel tree.
Don't forget to read the posts below for updates on Amaya's Shoebox Project.
Click HERE to visit the angel tree.
Don't forget to read the posts below for updates on Amaya's Shoebox Project.
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