Monday, November 8, 2010

Guess How Many Boxes???


37 very excited children

37 chances of children learning about Christ

37 times a child who may have nothing will now have a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap not to mention all the other goodies

ONE 6 year olds (soon to be 7) heart affected for the rest of her life because she had a dream, a goal and many, many people helped her reach her goal.

Not only did she sell enough ornaments to cover the cost of the boxes but enough people donated over the price of the ornament to cover the cost of the $7 donation that needs to go with every box.

If you want to make a box you still have time. Please visit Operation Christmas Child Today by clicking here.



Julia said...

YEAH AND YEAH! In a broken world where hope seems lost, God sent His Son. Now 37 more will hear and hopefully believe!

Christina Johnson said...

Amazing. What an incredibly act of love. Thanks for documenting this so I could "ride along" on this journey. I am so thankful that my "future daughter-in-law" has such an amazing love for the children of God.

Mandie said...

Awesome job Amaya! Your ornaments are beautiful and so is your heart!!!