Sunday, October 3, 2010

Trying Something New

A lady contacted me a couple of months ago about doing a fundraiser. The kick is that this fundraiser is NOT for her but for someone else. There is a family IN CHINA working with orphans everyday and they are adopting and ask this lady to help them fundraise even though she didn't know them well. This adopting family is living out James 1:27 and they need the Christian family to pull together and help them with the adoption cost because their work in China is volunteer and not a paid position.

Valerie (the one fundraiser for them) told me she wanted to sell 200 pendants in their one day sale. Valerie said she new it was a very high goal to make but she was trusting God that this could happen. I personally think it's an awesome goal to have because I know that the adoption community is AMAZING and we have a very big God.

I started praying asking God for a way to help her make her goal and God gave me a very cool idea.

On Fundraiser days I do not take custom orders do to the amount of work it takes when you get 30-40 custom orders in one day. What you see is what you get in the shop and sometimes people get a little frustrated when the one they wanted so bad already sold.

So we are trying something new for this sale and we are giving people a chance to get an EARLY SHOPPING PASS. The actual sale for this fundraiser is OCTOBER 5 but you can earn a early shopping pass to get first choice by blogging about the fundraiser or by sending out special messages on Facebook. You have to get a special CODE to shop early for this fundraiser so please read this blog post by Valerie to get the details.
Please help spread the word because this is a family caring for orphans in China and they can't do the funraising themselves so they are counting on other adoptive families to help.
I have stocked up the shop with tons of China pendants, orphan care, adoption, SNOWMEN, and sooooo many others.
PS Come back tomorrow because I have a couple of very cool pictures to show you.
PSS Today Chris and I are celebrating 12 amazing years together. Chris is truly the greatest gift God has ever given me!!!

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