Friday, January 16, 2009

Favorite Foto Friday

This has been such a hard week for several of my friends and a truly overwhelming week for my friend Linny. I wasn't going to post today but honestly I just needed a picture to make me smile.

Don't you just love baby pictures like this? This is little miss Paigie when she was 18 months old.


Tony and Rett said...

OH MY GOODNESS she looks so little! I LOVE her cheeks!!!

Thanks for making me smile!

Chelsea Valach said...

I'm a good friend of Dw and Linn's and I just wanted to thank you sooooo much for posting this on your site. They so desperately need prayers - and tons of them. I'm not a blogger myself but I so appreciate the blogging community and people like yourselves who are standing by our friends in this time of trial. Know that I am praying.