Friday, December 12, 2008

Our Crappy News

Our crappy news is that 2 weeks before Christmas my dear wonderful husband lost his job. Thank goodness God worked it out that we had all our Christmas shopping done for the kids. So here are some prayer requests.

1:Pray he gets a good job soon. Chris has the highest level of training a GM tech can have so hopefully it won't be to hard for him.

2. Pray for all the other employees that also lost their jobs 2 weeks before Christmas.

3. Pray that God will provide the money we need until he gets a job.

It's pretty crappy but at the same time we feel God has a plan for us and there is a reason this happened. On a good note I get some extra time with my hubby that is my best friend and I love every minute I have with him. OK, maybe not every minute because I really can't stand the History channel or cartoons and he loves both.

Another good thing is I'm going to get a lot of things done around the house. He's gonna want to get back to work soon. Oh, and I get help with the kids during the day. I can go to the grocery by MYSELF!!!

So there it is our crappy news.

1 comment:

Tony and Rett said...

Your "Crappy News" might just be the biggest blessing in disguise!!!!

We'll definitely be praying for you!

I can't wait to see how God turns this into some "WONDERFUL News!"