Sunday, March 18, 2012

Playing At The Beach In March!!!

This morning we went to my sisters church because my niece and nephews were getting baptized. We then went for Chinese and let me tell you that we had one very excited little boy.

Since we are just a family of five at the moment (we never know when that next call is going to come) we decided to go hiking and then it was nice enough out that the kids got to kick their feet around in the lake. I can't believe this is MARCH!!!

The kids had so much fun! I can't wait until our little man Mr. T can join us and we can stick his little feet in the water.

Speaking of little Mr. T if anyone knows where we could buy used adaptive equipment like positioning seats and things can you please leave me a comment.

What did you do on this beautiful day?

1 comment:

Shonni said...

How fun that looks. I think we are going to have snow tomorrow.