Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Very Important Package

Finally! Our package arrived that holds the file of our future son (if God chooses to keep the doors opening). Honestly it didn't even matter what that file said because we already knew in our hearts that he is ours to move forward on no matter what his future holds.

I have not been this excited since the moment we got Jaxson's file. We now have to find out what our next step is but hopefully in 2-3 weeks we will be able to go meet our future son. I can't give out anymore details yet but he is listed on adoptuskids.org, he is between the ages of 0-6 and did I mention he is the most beautiful boy on the site???

Ok, so go check out the site and come back and tell me who you think it is. If you already know PLEASE don't give it away!!!  Click HERE to go guess.

I am a very excited paper pregnant momma so make my day and leave me a comment :)


Addie Talley, Photographer said...

Congratulations... I cant wait to hear more!

Christina Johnson said...

You know how much I love you...but, this is too much! The suspense is killing me! :)