This is a question I ask a lot. Why did God call me to a ministry and give me such a passion for something that is so very hard to see. Why do so many kids go to sleep hungry and cold? Why are babies murdered? Why are children looked at as cursed because they were born different than "normal" children. Why do some mothers have do give up their children simply because they know their babies will die from starvation or lack of medical care? Why did God call me to have such a passion for these children that I see and hear so many sad things?
Sometimes I just wonder if my heart hurts so much for the orphans than how much more does God's heart hurt? How much does it hurt him to see these hurting children?
I have had a very emotional week dealing with all this. These are some things I have come across just this week.
I follow a blog called
The Journey, if you haven't read it yet then you don't know what your missing. This girl who is 19 or 20 has given her life completely to God. She is in Uganda and has legally adopted many, many children so that they will be taken care of. She has started a program that she has people sponsor children (all sponsor money goes to the children) and she sends them to school and makes sure they are bathed and fed. A couple of weeks ago she has about 150 kids and this week she has about 250 kids. Once a week she has them all over to spend the night with her so that she knows for one night they are fed well, bathed and loved on and they they learn about God. If you read her stories about the children though it will break your heart.
I placed the statistics on my blog this week. In those you can see the number of children aborted. I also read
this story this week about a baby that was meant to be aborted but instead was born alive and then murdered. This all has really got me thinking about how churches fight and fight against abortion so shouldn't we as Christians be fighting even harder for homes for orphans. We fight and fight telling women not to kill their babies but are we also their to support them once the baby is born or to give homes to these babies when their mother just can't. How easy is it to be a voice but are we willing to be the hands and feet of God and actually physically fight for the needs of these children?
Have you watched the video yet that I posted below? If so I hope it made you sick. I hope you were mad like I was that children our suffering. I went to a Christian concert last night and they were pushing sponsorships through World Visions. The guy told us he actually went on a trip to see what happens when these kids are sponsored. The things he shared with us was incredible. He said that it has been said that our generation is the first generation that could end poverty. I believe that could be true if we could give up some of our spoiled habits and save a starving child. As I said on Thursday this is something I fight with. My sinful heart longs for nice things or a nice steak dinner. If we were standing in middle of starving children in Africa like the video would we still feel we needed those things or we we see Christ in the eyes of those children and know it is our responsibility as Christian to take care of these children.
This is just a few of the things I have seen and heard about this week. This is why I wonder why God called me to a ministry that makes me cry almost everyday. If I get this upset though how does God feel? Please, let's not just be a voice for these children. It's time Christians step out in faith and make a HUGE difference. Let's sponsor these starving children, let's give homes to these children, let's show them the love of God even when it's not easy for us and even when it makes us uncomfortable. I'm not just talking to you this is something I deal with too.
Just for your info if you would like to sponsor a child these are a few places I know of where you can sponsor:
Compassion International - We sponsor a child through them and have been really happy with their program.
Amazima Ministries - I have her button on the sidebar of my blog. This is the girl from the blog The Journey that I was telling you about. I hope to sponsor a child from her program someday.
World Vision - World Vision also has a lot of different ways to help children.